CHESIDS as part of its objectives to promote better health outcomes for resource-constrained and underserved communities in Nigeria, partnered with Dutse Care and Support Group (DCSG) to mark the 2015 World AIDS Day (WAD).
WAD provides an opportunity for people all over the world to unite in the fight against HIV/AIDS, raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and show solidarity in the face of the pandemic.
Dutse Care and Support Group is a community-based organization located in Dutse Baupma community within Nigeria’s Federal Capital Territory.

The commemoratory event took place at the Chief of Baupma’s palace with over 180 persons in attendance. The event included a session to sensitize community members on HIV AIDS, question and answer sessions as well as HIV counselling and testing. DCSG’s director, Mr Ekwoyi Ochigbo in his address welcomed and appreciated all attendees.
He stressed that despite the fact his organization had carried out a lot of projects and events within the community, this was the first time it will be commemorating WAD at the community level. He commended CHESIDS for making the event a reality.
CHESIDS’ Founding Director, Dr Chenge in her keynote address stated that the first step to eradicating HIV/AIDS in Nigeria is getting tested to know ones HV status. She encouraged community members to avail themselves of the free HIV counselling and testing services provided during the event. She also spoke on the need to stop discrimination against persons living with HIV.
During the event, community members received information materials, condoms and several commemoratory materials- wristbands, lapels, T-shirts and caps. CHESIDS also provided food commodities to community members. A total of 108 community members persons were tested for HIV during the event.

The guest speaker, Mr Zaccheaus John sensitized the community members on modes of transmission of HIV, prevention, HIV counselling and testing. Addressing the participants he stressed that people who have tested positive to HIV can still live a normal life by seeking treatment and adhering to treatment as instructed. He demonstrated the correct use of the male condom.The Chief of Baupma in his closing remarks commended CHESIDS and DCSG
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