Our Work

We are positioned to roll out innovative public health initiatives; facilitate scaling up of existing initiatives; expand beneficiaries of interventions.


Catalyzing the delivery of health interventions driven by data

• Conducting rapid diagnostics to identify successes, gaps, bottlenecks, supply and demand dimensions in public health initiatives.

• Using diagnostic findings to inform the design of new interventions/ modifications required to improve performance.

• Using data to design interventions towards reducing sickness and deaths amongst defined communities and groups.

• Implementing public health interventions in collaboration with public & private partners and with the benefiting communities.

• Converting catalytic concepts into actionable programmes at the front line of service delivery.


Providing targeted support for health system domains

We work with key stakeholders to:

• Improve stewardship (governance & leadership) of Public Health initiatives.

• Improve performance management of Public Health initiatives.

• Identify alternate sources of funding for targeted Public Health interventions.

Given the place of health in social and economic development, our work is synergistic with programs in other sectors- education, agriculture, water/sanitation, etc.


Multi-stakeholder alliances for improved delivery of health interventions

• Partnering to translate ideas, strategies, and plans into credible and functional operations at the front lines.

• Identifying and elevating opportunities to leverage resources (finance and human) across stakeholders sharing a common goal.

• Brokering and negotiating multi-stakeholder partnerships to deliver impactful health interventions.

• Proffering enhancements for implementation partnerships that are in transition.


Systems Strengthening Support for NGOs/CBOs

• Providing support to new NGOs/CBOs in the start-up phase.

• Providing support to NGOs/CBOs needing to re-tool.

• Supporting nascent NGOs/CBOs with the establishment of management systems.

• Strategic planning, assessments, program design, recruitment & on-boarding, project roll-out.

• Incubating new NGOs/CBOs as a dimension of our innovative support for social investors in Nigeria. Contact us for more details on our incubation model.

• Providing support to international NGOs that are in the process of establishing a corporate presence in Nigeria. This technical assistance package includes support to engage key stakeholders, to conduct assessments, to recruit staff, support for country-specific intervention design, support for pressure testing, targeted resource management.


Health Diplomacy

• Engineering and stimulating discourse at international, national, and sub-national levels to create energy and interest amongst key stakeholders on a key health issue.

• Lobbying appropriate groups and key stakeholders on an identified policy issue towards driving consensus and change.

• Creating the momentum amongst key stakeholders required to influence and operationalize the policy on a key health issue.

• Facilitating discourse towards improving policy framework surrounding a key issue.

• Strengthening the stewardship of health initiatives and supporting public officials to convert power into authority needed to deliver impactful health initiatives.


Human Capacity Development

• Conducting learning needs assessment for identified groups in need of training.

• Adapting training materials to suit the needs of trainees and to address outcomes of learning needs assessment.

• Adapting training materials to suit the local context.

• Facilitating program capacity.

• Identifying and recruiting subject-matter experts to deliver at capacity building events.

• Conducting structured follow-up activities to assess training outcomes.

• Providing resource management solutions during the implementation phase.

How Can You Help?

We believe in collaborative work. You can volunteer your time, your expertise or donate to our cause.