Our Partners

Working together, our potential is unlimited.

Medical Outreach to Tsar Mbaduku 4

Government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs)

Thought partnership for public health and health systems strengthening initiatives Support in developing/revising strategic plans Support in moving from ‘concept’ to ‘operations’ Support in rolling out social sector initiatives.
HTS Training

Institutions, Corporation

Support to start/strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. Support to improve the strategic focus of social investments in health and ​health-related sectors such as education, housing, water/sanitation, agriculture/food security.

Substance Abuse Project in Sheritti Community, Abuja, FCT 18

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Support to establish a corporate presence in Nigeria, Support for strategic planning, program design, and roll-out for nascent NGOs in start-up phase Execution support.

The PY4H WASH Intervention - Phase 2 - 1

Philanthropic Individuals

Support to deliver their individual/corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects to underserved or vulnerable groups and communities.

We have worked with:


Future Assured Initiative

The Girl Generation

GOLU Farms

ANICAL Integrated Farms

Torjir- Agber Foundation

RESLARC Group Nigeria

Vanderfan Foundation

Interconnect Medical Solutions (IMS)

Dutse Care and Support Group (DCSG)

Organization for Pro-Health Options (OPO)

Health Strategy and Delivery Foundation (HSDF)

Society for Gender and Child Advancement (GCA)

International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW)

Poverty and Associated Maladies Alleviation Initiative (PAMAI)

Association of Women Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (ASWHAN)

Action Community Developers (ACD) Foundation (www.acdcares.org)

Federation of Female Nurse And Midwives (FENAM) Benue State Chapter

Saving One Million Lives Initiative (SOMLI), an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria (FMOH)

How Can You Help?

We believe in collaborative work. You can volunteer your time, your expertise or donate to our cause.